2024 In-Person RCM Syllabus
Remarks for CCCTIMF RCM In-person Syllabus:
The festival will only accept repertoire from the current official RCM Syllabi. Unlike the RCM rules, CCCTIMF does not allow popular selections to be used in etude classes; and does not allow "Repertoire Substitution" and "Teacher's Choice" for the respective grades as mentioned in the RCM syllabus.
Remarks for OMFA Provincial Competition Nomination:
1. Participants with outstanding performances will have the opportunity to be nominated for the OMFA Provincial competition held in 2025 with an adjudicator recommendation. Participants should be aware that 2 pieces at the same level of the current study are required for the OMFA. Please check the OMFA Provincial website (www.omfa.ca).
2. OMFA Provincial virtual competitions are available for Grades 1 to 5 and OMFA In-Person competition is available for Grade 6 and above. Please check the OMFA Provincial website for the detailed provincial syllabus and rules & regulations.